Database maintenance site: RIKEN CBS (RIKEN Center for Brain Science)
Organism(s) covered:Callithrix jacchus
Description: Marmoset PFC Connectome is a database about connectomics mapping of the marmoset prefrontal cortex (PFC) projections. Each entry contains region of injection, tracers, injection...Show Details...
Description: The information in the database is presented at two levels: the initial view or landing pages for each target family provide expert-curated overviews of the key properties and s...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: National Cancer Institute at Frederick
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) provides reference terminology for many NCI and other systems. It covers vocabulary for clinical care, translational and basic research, and public informat...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: WHOCC ATC/DDD Index is a list of the complete anatomical therapeutic chemical index with drug therapies. It contains ATC codes and DDDs for substance name and/or ATC levels. It ...Show Details...
Description: The Vertebrate Gene Nomenclature Committee (VGNC) is an extension of the established HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) project that names human genes. VGNC is responsible ...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: DDrare is a database about clinical trials, drug target genes and pathways which related to mostly rare diseases designated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW),...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Osaka University Institute for Protein Research
Organism(s) covered:
Description: BSM-Arc is an archive about protein/DNA/RNA structure obtained via in-silico methods. Each entry contains DOI of the corresponding paper, abstract, authors, PDB IDs, a graphical...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Osaka University Institute for Protein Research
Organism(s) covered:
Description: EMPIAR-PDBj is a mirroring server of EMPIAR, which is a public resource for raw, 2D electron microscopy images. Each entry contains information about publication, related EMDB e...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology
Organism(s) covered:
Description: PreDom is a database and related prediction services about domain-domain interfaces. It consists of following sections:PreDom:DiD is a database of domain-domain interface which ...Show Details...
Description: Wild moths genetic resources is a resource database about wild moths. It contains ordering information and strain details, such as origin, hibernation, host plants, voltinism, i...Show Details...
Description: CUBIC-Cloud is a cloud-based framework for single-cell-resolution whole mouse brain analysis.Brain database: for upload and manage your brain data.Notebooks: for analyze your da...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: BioBank Japan Project, Department of Statistical Genetics at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: is a database about genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics of the BioBank Japan Project (BBJ). It provides GWAS results in the Japanese population (ma...Show Details...
Description: Yeast strains with specific characteristics is a list of Yeast strains in JCM. This list is generated according to the requested one(s) presented below that were tested accordin...Show Details...
Description: Genome sequencing of JCM strains under the NBRP program (Eukaryotic microbes) is a database about sequenced microbial strains and their genome DNAs. The determination about draf...Show Details...
Description: FANTOM6 is a database for function of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the human genome. It contains experimental data of the FANTOM project 6, such as mapped data using Cap An...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Kagoshima University The Kagoshima University Museum
Organism(s) covered:Tracheophyta
Description: Kagoshima University Museum Vascular Plants Database is a database of vascular plant specimens collected in Kagoshima University Museum. Each entry contains taxon, collection da...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: The OOPID (Open Oral Pathological Images Dataset) project is developing open images dataset of human oral pathological image.Show Details...
Database maintenance site: The University of Tokyo
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: ImmuNexUT is a gene expression and eQTL atlas from 28 types of immune cells isolated from 10 distinct human immune mediated diseases (IMDs) and healthy donors. Each entry contai...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Hiroshima City University
Organism(s) covered:
Description: PyDISH is a database of heme porphyrin structures. Each entry is composed of one heme molecule liganded to a hemeprotein and includes information for the heme, axial ligands and...Show Details...
Description: NeuroGT database is a brain atlas of neurogenic tagging mouse lines with CreER drivers for birthdate-based classification and manipulation of mouse neurons. It provides a catalo...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Experimental Plant Division, RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Organism(s) covered:Arabidopsis thaliana | Brachypodium distachyon | Populus nigra | Oryza sativa | Lotus japonicus | ...
Description: Exp-Plant Catalog is a database of plant bio-resource information in the stock of Experimental Plant Division of RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC). It contains seeds, DNA ...Show Details...
Description: EnteroBase is an online resource for analyzing and visualizing genomic variation within enteric bacteria strain. It contains metadata, genomic assemblies and deduced genotyping ...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Organism(s) covered:All
Description: JEDI System/OCEANS DB is a database containing images of marine plankton and environmental monitoring data. The physical, chemical, biological and engineering data observed by O...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: RNAapt3D is a database of RNA aptamer which contains RNA sequences, their secondary/tertiary structural information, target proteins of RNA aptamers and network of RNA-protein i...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: Phosprof (phosphorylation profiling database) is a database to present cellular response to representative drugs as the significant pathways. It based on the original analysis o...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
Organism(s) covered:
Description: PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Searches can be performed via a number of descriptors such as name, molecular formula and st...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Bioinformation and DDBJ Center, National Institute of Genetics, Research Organization of Information and Systems
Organism(s) covered:
Description: MetaboBank is an integrated metabolome data repository. It contains various metabolome data such as experimental raw data from mass spectrometry (MS), NMR analysis, imaging MS ...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: This site is a platform for sharing data from studies in humans, providing rules and frameworks for promoting the utilization and sharing of the enormous amount of human data wh...Show Details...
Description: The ABCD database is a repository of sequenced antibodies, integrating curated information about the antibody and its antigen with cross-links to standardized databases of chemi...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: National Museum of Nature and Science
Organism(s) covered:Tracheophyta | Ascomycota
Description: Flora of Myanmar Database is a database about flora specimens collected in Myanmar (Burma). It contains the records of specimens deposited in herbaria of National Museum of Natu...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: RIKEN CSRS (RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science)
Organism(s) covered:Sorghum bicolor
Description: MOROKOSHI Sorghum transcriptome database provides transcriptomic data in Sorghum bicolor. It contains information of ESTs from a normalized full-length cDNAs library of five gro...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Organism(s) covered:All
Description: BioHiKR is a database for bioluminescence. Each entry contains information of organism, protein, habitat, wave and ligand, which data links to Wikipedia and Uniprot and/or PDBj.Show Details...
Description: OHNOLOGS is a repository of genes retained from whole genome duplications in the Vertebrate genomes. It contains ohnolog pairs and families in various vertebrate genomes compute...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: CCMB (CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology)
Organism(s) covered:All
Description: MSDB is a database of simple sequence repeats (SSRs), also known as microsatellites. Each entry contains chromosome No., repeat class, repeat length, related gene name, annotati...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, University of Illinois at Chicago
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens | Mus musculus
Description: MatrisomeDB is a database of proteomic data for extracellular matrix (ECM). It provides hierarchically-clustered tissue distribution heatmap of proteins with confidence score, a...Show Details...
Description: EnhancerAtlas is a database providing enhancer annotation in nine species including human (hg19), mouse (mm9), fly (dm3), worm (ce10), zebrafish (danRer10), rat (rn5), yeast (sa...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: USC (University of Southern California)
Organism(s) covered:All
Description: DNAproDB is a database for DNA-protein complexes. The site consists of a database, structure processing pipeline and web-based visualization tool. The database contains structur...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: UTHealth (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
Organism(s) covered:Hepatitis B virus | Human papillomavirus | Human gammaherpesvirus 4 | Adeno-associated virus - 2 | Human immunodeficiency virus | ...
Description: VISDB is a knowledgebase of site-related information about viruses integrated into human genome. It covers 9 main viruses, including 5 DNA oncoviruses (HBV, HPV, EBV, MCV, AAV2)...Show Details...
Description: VDJbase is a database of adaptive immune receptor genes, genotypes and haplotypes. In this database, collections are inferred from immune receptor repertoire sequences, and also...Show Details...
Description: VARIDT is a database for drug transporters (DTs) confirmed by their corresponding drugs, which covers the comprehensive sets of DT variability data, and allows the interplay ana...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Material Management Center, Kyushu University
Organism(s) covered:All
Description: MMC is a database of tangible research materials (Materials) which are created or acquired through research activities. This database contains information about materials such a...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Regulatory Science Society of Japan
Organism(s) covered:
Description: MedDRA/J is a Japanese version of MedDRA ( which is a pragmatic, medically valid terminology with an emphasis on ease of use for data entry, retrieval, ana...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: UTHealth (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: TSEA-DB is a database for trait-associated tissue specificity. This database contains trait collection decoded with tissue-specific enrichment analysis (TSEA) and their related ...Show Details...
Description: TerrestrialMetagenomeDB is a repository of curated metadata for terrestrial metagenomes. Data are collected from MG-RAST and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA), the two main metage...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University
Organism(s) covered:Primates
Description: SyntDB is a database about human long non-coding RNAs conserved across primates. Each record contains Ensembl ID, reference alias, lncRNA, biotype of reference transcript, isofo...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: College of informatics, HZAU
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: SNP2APA is a database for exploring the effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on alternative polyadenylation (APA). SNP2APA allows users to : Browse or search cis-ap...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: Department of Biochemistry, University of Sherbrooke
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: snoDB is a database of human snoRNA, which data are collected from other established databases, publications and experimental data generated by the group. Each entry contains in...Show Details...
Description: This is a database for all members in whole of Asterales. It includes taxon name, chromosome number (n and 2n), DNA contents, genbank accession numbers (for the nuclear or chlor...Show Details...
Database maintenance site: AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Organism(s) covered:Homo sapiens
Description: mFAERS is a search system about side effects reported in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) public data. It provides information on intractable diseases designated b...Show Details...
Description: SARS-CoV2-COV2-NMR DB is a 2D NMR spectra database about SARS-CoV-2 proteins. It retains 2D NMR spectra of 22 structural domains, including 3 non-canonical sequences, which ensu...Show Details...