Relevant Resources
The following is a summary of services that are useful to search for databases and other related online resources.
Tutorial videos of databases and web tools are available.
You can search for online resources introduced in peer-reviewed papers in life science.
A catalog for databases developed by researchers in RIKEN.
A collection of links to domestic or international websites related to bio-resources respectively. The links can be narrowed by species and keyword. The websites are maintained by the Genetic Strains Research Center, National Institute of Genetics. *Japanese version only for JGR
【Countries other than Japan】
The FAIRsharing is a registry intended to promote data-sharing in the life, environmental, and biomedical sciences. It consists of "Standards", "Databases", "Policies", and "Collections" sections that catalog both in-house and crowd-sourced curated descriptions. In the FAIRsharing, each record is described according to the BioDBcore guidelines.
A list of databases that have been introduced in papers published in journals, mostly Database Issue of Nucleic Acid Research (NAR). You can browse information of databases according to NAR's original database categories.
A catalog that compiles life science databases from around the world. Each database can be sorted by the number of citations or by unique evaluation criteria(z-index).
A catalog of life science web services. Users can register new web services and also annotate the descrptions of the web services.
Biositemaps Working Groups of the NIH Roadmap National Centers of Biomedical Computing (NCBC) provides the specification of Biositemap.rdf, which describes the outline of life science online resources, toward the promotion of bioinformatics analyses using multiple datasets derived from different databases.
A collection of online resources selected by curators of the Neuroscience information framework (NIF). It contains a variety of resources including databases, softwares, Brain Atlas, web sites of grant programs and bio-resource banks from a wide range of fields other than neuroscience.
A collection of links to resources related to pathways.
A system to provide persistent URIs to identify data at multiple levels (data collections, resource and data entry) in the biomedical domain.