
  • You can download data files including all the records published in this catalog.
    * We provide two types of downloadable files, which differ in contents and licenses. Users need to confirm those licenses in the “Terms of Use” page in advance.
  • You can select the options of character encodings.
  • See "About" for descriptions of each item of the records.
  • The data files below are daily updated.

Records from Integbio Database Catalog CC0

All records(Records from Integbio Database Catalog+Derivatives from FAIRsharing Logo CC BY-SA

RDF (Resource Description Framework) format

  • dbcatalog.tar.gz (1283KB)
  • Records from Integbio Database Catalog in RDF format are available on RDF Portal.
  • It will take several days or a week for reflecting the latest status of our original catalog.