NBDC Human Database
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Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) (Link to J-Global) | |
Japan | |
This site is a platform for sharing data from studies in humans, providing rules and frameworks for promoting the utilization and sharing of the enormous amount of human data while considering protection of personal information. The site was established by the JST NBDC and cooperates with the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) to publish data. This site can provide data related to humans as well as guidelines for the use of such information. | |
Genome/Gene, Organism | |
Sequence, Repository | |
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Japanese, English | |
Active | |
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https://humandbs.dbcls.jp/en/contact-us | |
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EnteroBase NCBI Gene OBIS PomBase EBI Genomes Pages Genome - Genome information for rice dbSTS GSS Movebank Data Repository Japanese Genotype-phenotype Archive |
Integbio Database Catalog | |
2022-06-15 | |
2024-05-01 | |
Creative Commons CC0 license |