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NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) | |
United States | |
The gene database provides information on gene sequence, structure, location, and function for annotated genes from the NCBI database. Users can search by accession ID or keyword, compare and identify sequences using BLAST, or submit references into function (RIFs) based on experimental results. Bulk download and an update mailing list are available. | |
Genome/Gene | |
Sequence, Repository | |
PubMed ID: DOI: | |
English | |
Active | | | |
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GSS PomBase BioProject (Formerly Genome Project) dbSTS EBI Genomes Pages Genome - Genome information for rice NBDC Human Database EnteroBase Popset Clone DB |
Integbio Database Catalog | |
2013-06-17 | |
2022-05-29 | |
Creative Commons CC0 license |