ChemProteoBase: Proteomic profiling for classification of compounds
RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) (Link to J-Global) | |
Japan | |
ChemProteoBase is a database about proteomic profiling of cells treated with chemical drugs based on 2D-DIGE. Each entry contains protein name, position (x, y), Mascot Score, Uniprot ID, response to chemicals, and chemical information, etc. | |
Protein, Chemical compound, Drug, Health/Disease | |
Expression, Interaction/Pathway | |
PubMed ID: DOI: PubMed ID: DOI: | |
English | |
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toxRank The UC Irvine ChemDB ChEMBL PCI DB toxBridge TOXPILOT phosprof DDIDA KEGG ENVIRON |
Integbio Database Catalog | |
2021-08-24 | |
2021-08-24 | |
Creative Commons CC0 license |