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The University of Tokyo (Link to J-Global) | |
Japan | |
WormTSS is a comprehensive collection of transcription start sites (TSSs) for trans-spliced genes in C. elegans. It consists of a genome browser and a TSS list. The list contains information about outron and exon TSSs, such as TSS ID, gene name, common gene name, position, and Gaussian distribution. Users are able to search genes from the list or by keywords, or browse using the genome browser. This database allows download of embryo TSS list, adult TSS list, 5'SAGE Illumina single-end reads and 5'SAGE Illumina paired-end reads. | |
Genome/Gene | |
Sequence | |
PubMed ID: DOI: | |
English | |
Active | |
http://wormtss.utgenome.org/browser/download.jsp | |
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HGD Medaka Methylome Browser TOT-DB DAIZUbase Acytostelium Gene Database SoybeanTFDB GENCODE |
Integbio Database Catalog | |
2015-02-10 | |
2015-02-10 | |
Creative Commons CC0 license |