ID: | NBDC01932 |
Database name: | The MOuse NOnCode Lung database |
Alternative name: | MONOCLdb |
URL: | |
Database maintenance site: | - |
Country/Region: | European Union, United States |
Database description: | MONOCLdb is an integrative and interactive database designed to retrieve and visualize annotations and expression profiles of long-non coding RNAs (lncRNAs) expressed in Collaborative Cross ( founder mice in response to respiratory influenza and SARS infections. |
Organism(s) covered: | Mus musculus (10090) |
Tag - Target: | Genome/Gene, RNA |
Tag - Information type: | Ontology/Terminology/Nomenclature, Sequence, Interaction/Pathway |
Reference(s) - PubMed ID/DOI: | - |
Language(s): | English |
Operational status: | Active |
Link(s) to Downloadable data: | - |
Link(s) to Metadata of downloadable data: | - |
Link(s) to Terms of use: | - |
Link(s) to "How to use": | - |
Contact information of database: | - |
Link(s) to API / SPARQL endpoint | - |